Rekonstruksi Paradigma Pemikiran NU

Telaah Metode Istinbat Hukum Islam NU

  • Ali Mutakin
Keywords: rekonstruksi, pemikiran, paradigma, NU, ahlusunnah wal jamaah


NU society organizations in Indonesia, the largest Islamic world even, NU is a centrist and moderate thinking organitations. Lajnah Bah}th al-Masa>’il (LBM) is a religious fatwa institution owned by NU. Operationally it conduct a study of Islamic law to find the legal provisions of the problems that occur in the community (masa'il waqi'iyyah). There has been a paradigm shift in the thinking of qawli madhhab switch to a manhaji madhhab.

How to Cite
Mutakin, A. (2015). Rekonstruksi Paradigma Pemikiran NU: Telaah Metode Istinbat Hukum Islam NU. Al Ashriyyah, 1(1), 18.